Since its start as Hacker Engineering in 1980 HEITEC Consulting has established itself as a company of dedicated and talented professionals working hard to deliver excellence to their clients. Whether your needs lie in planning, civil engineering, land surveying, or storm water management you can count on our qualified team of licensed professionals to get your job done.
Based in Southern California our advanced technical skill and creative problem solving developed over 35 years of experience in the industry give us the edge you need to make your project a success. Although we specialize in the Coachella Valley, our offices in Palm Springs allow us the ability to service all of southern California. Whether you are a developer or in the public sector, HEITEC Consulting can be of service for your project.
Civil Engineering
Final Maps and Condominium Plans
Grading and Street Plans
Sewer, Water and Utility Plans
Drainage Studies and Storm Drain Plans
Golf Course Plans
Plot Plans
Site Plans and Tentative Maps
Specific Plans
General Plan Amendments and Zone Changes
Feasibility Studies and Cost Estimates
Conditions of Approval and Final Map Processing

Land Surveying
Boundary Surveys and Property Corners
Construction Staking and Monumentation
Tract Maps and Parcel Maps
Aerial and Topographic Controls
Record of Survey and Corner Records
ALTA and ACSM/Surveys and Plats
State Plane Coordinates
Lot Line Adjustments
Storm Water Management
SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans)
QSD/QSP (Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner)
WQMP (Water Quality Management Plans)